Wednesday 21 July 2010

Print Workshops 3: Lino printing and making journals

After the blind embossing was finished I then asked the students to devise pattern repeats for their printing and they began to print with their lino blocks:

Prior to the workshops I had designed some concertina books that I thought would be reasonably easy but effective for the students to make. After experimenting with some printing at home I had two examples of journals that I made in order to demonstrate the techniques to the students:

After demonstrating the method of making the journals I then helped the students to make their own and here are the results:


Acornmoon said...

I was so interested to learn about blind embossing from your last post, what a clever idea!

Your students have created some wonderful pieces and I love the combination of lino prints and concertina books, two of my favourite things!

Gina said...

Some fabulous results from your students.

Jacqui Dodds said...

Thank you both for your comments

Valerie - the blind embossing is great and I loved making these concertina books.

Gina - I really enjoyed making these prints and books with the students and was inspired by their creativity.