Sunday 26 April 2009

New Painting

This journal has been neglected lately for a couple of reasons - one my camera was stolen so I could not take any photos and the other I have been rather busy working towards my final degree show which is at the end of May. Decided to work much bigger than I normally do and started working on a canvas that will measure 168cm x 120cm. Above are the base layers on the canvas and below showing the scale I am working on:

One of the media I really enjoy is screenprinting so decided to screenprint my Venetian Windows onto the canvas. This was quite a challenge because of the size of the screenprint.

I took over the print room and the floor in order to try out my design on the canvas:

After printing the canvas was back up in my studio space:

Then I stretched the canvas onto a large frame and tried it out in one of the project spaces at college to see how it would look:

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